Smart Exit-Egress Lights Save Time and Manpower

This amazing technology is capable of self-testing in compliance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, and will save maintenance staff time engaged with monthly verification of exit light effectiveness.


Tom Morgan
[email protected]
(216) 361-5101

A new style of self-testing Exit light is now available.  NFPA 101 Life Safety Code requires that all Exit lights be tested on a monthly basis, and undergo a 90 minute test once per year.  Facilities maintaining compliance with this requirement must expend significant man-power logging these test results.  The Willard Smart Exit sign is a new product that is capable of self-testing and maintaining test records automatically.  Harrington learned of this offering through one of its FEC (Federated Electrical Contractors) partners, Cache Valley Electric, based in Logan, UT.  Cache Valley collaborated with IBM and Willard IoT to develop this quality product.

Learn more by clicking and downloading the PDF presentation to the left.