Center for Pastoral Leadership

Harrington is proud to be part of the construction team contributing to a major renovation of the Center for Pastoral Leadership. This Center, located in Wickliffe, OH is home to Borromeo Seminary (undergraduate program) and Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology where students are educated to become priests and leaders for the Catholic Church. The job is managed under the leadership of John G Johnson Construction Company.
The extensive, multi-phase project included a complete distribution upgrade throughout the campus including multiple generators that provide emergency power for the entire campus.
Remodeling included both east and west dormitory and office buildings, providing the students and staff with state-of-the-art lighting, lighting controls, technology and fire alarm system throughout both wings.
The first phase of the project involved a significant upgrade of the campus electrical distribution system. Harrington worked with FirstEnergy to convert all medium voltage underground feeders to 13.2kV. A new 208V, 2500A service entrance was created along with upgrading an 800A and 1200A service. Two diesel generators (500kVA and 750kVA) where added to provide emergency power throughout the campus.
The recently completed second phase involved demolition and reconstruction of dormitory living space for Borromeo students. The third and final phase involves the demolition and reconstruction of new living quarters for Saint Mary students.
The renovated areas are modern, attractive and energy efficient. Architectural leadership is provided by Ziska Architecture with electrical engineering design by Osborn Engineering.
The Harrington electrical project manager is Jerry Strand, and our electrical foreman is Dave Ross.
Harrington Electric is grateful to The Center for Pastoral Leadership and the Cleveland Catholic Diocese for the honor of performing the electrical work on this large-scale project.
The CPL electrical improvements included:
- Underground wiring conduits and concrete vaults
- New transformers for CPL main building and All Saints School building
- New main distribution panel in CPL main building and All Saints School building
- New secondary feeder lines from all transformers to main distribution panels
Plus, the installation of two generators:
- Generator #1 covers main building, St. Anthony Center, and the field house.
- Generator #2 covers All Saints School, Issenmann building and the auditorium.
- The Issenmann building transformer was replaced in 2017.
- New automatic transfer switches at main building, Issenmann building and All Saints School building. The automatic transfer switches, engage generators when there is a power failure.